Free Installation with the purchase of select tires.

Rebate Center

Our Just Tires Rebate Center is the place to submit your rebate claim, or check the status of an already existing rebate claim.

If checking status of an existing claim, please just have the details of your rebate submission handy.

Just Tires Rebates
Cooper Rebates


1. Purchase rebate eligible tires

Purchase a set of four rebate eligible tires.

2. Gather needed items to submit your rebate

If submitting your rebate online or if by mail, you’ll need some details about yourself like name, address, and phone number along with a copy of your receipt. Just Tire’s privacy policy applies here. You’ll also need the offer # from your rebate period. This offer number can be found on the rebate form given to you at the time of purchase, or if you’re submitting from the currently active rebate period, you can download a copy of the Just Tires form here, or download the Cooper form here.

3. Redeem your rebate

Either mail in your rebate with a copy of your invoice/receipt along with the fully completed rebate form, or submit your rebate directly at the appropriate rebate center for you – linked above.

Buy tires. Get rebates.

Want cash back on your next tire purchase? Check out all the tires that are eligible for special rebates.

Just Tires Credit card

Save With THE Just Tires CREDIT CARD

Apply today and we’ll let you know a decision right away. Plus, get 6 months special financing on purchases of $250 or more.

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Goodyear Auto Service - Chapel Hill Mall 1800 Buchholzer Blvd Akron, OH 44310

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