Repair & Replace

Timing Belt Replacement

Our service technicians will examine your timing belt and belt tensioner, and if any signs of damage are visible, we will make recommendations for removing the worn belts and installing new belts and components.

Price Requires Inspection


What Our Timing Belt Service Is And When You Need It

When it comes to fitting in everything you love to do, timing is key. The same is true of your engine. Making sure your timing belt or drive belt tensioner is working properly and in good condition can help prevent costly repairs down the line. Think yours may be in need of attention? Stop in and let one of our expert technicians check your belts for wear or damage.

How do I know I need my timing belt checked?
  • Your engine sounds like it's ticking
  • Your engine won’t turn over
  • You spy oil leaking from beneath your motor
  • Your engine misfires, with a “thumping” feel to it

Whatever your favorite places are, getting there is more enjoyable when the road is smooth and easy to navigate. That is one function of your shocks and struts. So, if you suspect your vehicle is in need of repair, let us assist you in ensuring that your steering and suspension system is in good working order.


Looking for assistance?

Our expert technicians will carefully examine both your timing belt and drive belt tensioner to look for signs of wear or damage. Based on what we find, we’ll recommend whether or not it’s time for a replacement and let you decide whether a replacement is right for you and your vehicle. Our replacement service includes:

  • Replacement of all worn belts as needed
  • Adjusting the fit of any newly-installed belts and their related components

Your timing belt is crucial to your engine by helping to open and close your engine’s valves.

A broken or worn-out belt can render your vehicle inoperable. Replacing belts at the first sign of wear helps avoid unexpected breakdowns, so both you and your car can stay on the go.

Because belts are a critical part of your engine, they generally need to be replaced every 30,000 - 60,000 miles (50,000 km - 100,000 km).