
Free Car Care Check

Stop by for a free Car Care Check today. Our technicians will provide a careful visual inspection of multiple areas of your vehicle.

Free Consultation


Coming out of winter means dealing with the unavoidable, potholes on the road. During our Free Pothole Check, our technicians will provide a careful visual inspection of the following areas of your vehicle, ensuring you and your vehicle are navigating potholes with ease:

  • Tire Check: During our tire check, we'll conduct a visual check of the tire condition, tread depth, tread pattern, and air pressure, which will include checking to see whether cracking or flat spots have developed from being parked too long.
  • Brake Check: During our brake check, we'll conduct a visual inspection of brake pads and rotors, shoes and drums, calipers, wheel cylinders, brake hoses, master cylinder and brake fluid level. Brakes can sometimes develop rust or build-up from lack of use or sitting idle.
  • Alignment Check: During our alignment check, we use state-of-the-art diagnostic tools to see if your wheels meet your vehicle manufacturer's precise alignment specifications. We measure your vehicle's wheel angles to determine if they meet manufacturer recommendations, while also inspecting your tires, suspension, and steering components for damage or wear.
  • Shocks and Struts Check: During our shocks and struts check, we'll inspect the shocks, struts and springs in your vehicle's steering and suspension systems for signs of wear or damage. Having your steering and suspension routinely checked by our experts can also help you avoid premature tire wear, saving you money in the long run.

Schedule an appointment today for a Free Pothole Check at your nearest Just Tires location. Offer valid now through March 31, 2025.